Friday, March 31, 2023

What to do with gematria numbers

Gematria is an ancient system of numerology which assigns numerical values to words or phrases based on their respective letter values. It is believed to have originated in Hebrew, but it's become increasingly popular amongst those exploring metaphysical and supernatural realms. In the last few years, gematria has been gaining more attention and is often used to interpret messages and decode hidden meanings in music, art, books, and other forms of media. But what do you do with gematria numbers once you've derived them? Here are some ways to utilize gematria numbers:

1. Interpretation – Gematria numbers can give insight into the literal and symbolic meanings of text, revealing underlying themes or truths. For instance, if a phrase has a numerical value of 11, it could symbolize spiritual illumination or enlightenment. Numbers can also be used to gain perspective on events other people may be going through—if a particular number appears that might communicate a person's struggles or successes in life.

2. Numerology – Gematria can be used in combination with numerology as each number carries its own symbolic energy. By understanding how different numbers vibrate and interact with one another, we can gain deeper insight into the energies at play behind the scenes or within an individual's life journey. This allows us to better understand our inner-selves and what our true intentions and purpose are in life.

3. Divination & Prophecy – One of the more interesting applications for gematria is turning it towards divination purposes for answers about the future or prophecies about people and events yet to come. We can use gematria values derived from a person's name or birthdate for guidance on potential outcomes for either individual circumstances or global affairs.

4. Mediation & Prayer – Gematria can be another way to connect with higher powers by adding weight to our meditation sessions by meditating on numerical sequences that resonate deeply within us such as 333 (the holy trinity) 711 (the soul's awareness of divine truth) or 999 (bringer healing). This can also be done as part of a prayer ritual using sets of mantras frequently associated with specific numbers like 41(for deep inner calm) 48(for transformation) 66(for negative energy removal).

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